What to expect and how to prepare for your boudoir shoot?


What to consider when planning the schedule for your wedding – three tips for a stress free wedding



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The images

Step 4

If you choose the full gallery beforehand, you’ll get your finalized 200+ images in a digital gallery within two weeks OR if you want to have an image reveal face to face with me at our studio, that’s a possibility too. After the image reveal we can check out some products (album, prints and wall art) and you can decide if you want to order some from your images.

If you choose a smaller package, you have two options: you can get an online gallery and instructions for selecting your photos and possible products via email within a week, or you can come to our studio, have a cup of coffee or tea or a glass of wine, find the same relaxed mood we had during your shoot, and go through your images for the first time together with me. In our meeting I will help you choose the photos and possible products that you will cherish forever.